Joel R. Johnson Talks 30X30 at ASBC

The growing movement to conserve 30% of the land and seas globally by 2030, known as 30X30, now has the support of the G7, which includes the US. Inspired by the theory of Half-Earth, 30X30 will be debated and considered this Fall at the COP Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, China. The Biden-Harris administration’s report, America The Beautiful, outlines how the US intends to engage people in one of the greatest conservation efforts of the modern era. The report calls for a decade-long effort to support locally-led and voluntary conservation and restoration efforts across public, private, and Tribal lands and waters in order to create jobs and strengthen the economy’s foundation; tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, and address inequitable access to the outdoors.

Joel R. Johnson, VP, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation discussed why biodiversity matters to businesses at the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) and Social Venture Circle. Johnson joined a panel including ASBC President David Levine, Annarie Lyles of Bio-Gist Ventures, indigenous leader Marissa Merculieff and conservationist Lauren Devine from the Aleut nation on St. Paul (AK), and longline commercial fishermen association leader Linda Behnken.

Mind the (30×2030) Gap: Why Biodiversity Matters for Business (NEXT Economy LIVE) from Social Venture Circle | SVC.

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